It’s that time of year where many businesses are facing something of a conundrum around whether or not to start a new recruitment process now, or just wait until the dust has settled on 2020, and start afresh in the New Year.
At JOYN we have some clients still going gangbusters and putting staff recruitment at the top of their priorities list heading into silly season.
But likewise we have others who are either so flat out tying up loose ends from 2020, or frankly just so over 2020 that they can’t face the to and fro of a recruitment process right now.
Let’s look at the Pros and Cons to help you make a call quickly, before it’s too late!
Recruiting Before Christmas
- In a year typified by anxiety and uncertainty, being decisive now will get you a step ahead of the competition.
- The economy is doing way better than expected, with 2020 seeing just a 3% drop, compared to 7% in the EU and 11% in the UK, so many can afford to be bolder with their intentions.
- Online job adverts have dropped off slightly, so your advert will stand out all the more.
- Despite COVID vaccines starting to roll out soon, it will still be many months before borders cautiously re-open. 2021 will be incredibly tight for recruiting skilled workers. Take advantage of every moment to start looking now.
- You can be totally open with candidates applying now, that the job won’t start until January or even February. For many this will suit them fine anyway.
Recruiting After Christmas
- Running a proper recruitment process takes time, focus, and flexibility to fit interviews around your current schedule. Do you have enough time in your diary left for 2020?
- Whilst there remain a large number of jobseekers on the current market, you’re likely to attract the more passive candidates in the New Year, ie. those not desperate to leave their job right now, but could be after a summer of reflection.
- You won’t have to manage the “mind the gap” period, the important time between offering a job, and keeping your prospective new employee warm and engaged (and away from potential counter offers or new offers from elsewhere!)
Whichever approach you decide to take, know this: 2021 will see a continued economic recovery, which means more competition for top talent, lower unemployment, increased salary demands and more difficulties retaining your current star performers.
If you can wait until the second Quarter of 2021 to make hires, then don’t bother looking just yet. But if you’re stretched thin now, this will only exacerbate in a few weeks’ time once the seasonal festivities are done.
Using JOYN for Staff Recruitment
And if you’re still unsure…well do both. JOYN Consultants charge for their time, with no placement fees, so you can have this time split both sides of the festive period if you need to, with the only extra expense advertising both in December and in January.
Given the way 2021 is shaping up, it might be a small but worthwhile investment to make for your business.